
Radwimps - Me Me She

Monday, August 21, 2006

[ MOOD :-: Tired As Fuck ]


Yesterday must have been the most tiring Sunday ever. I never worked the mornin' shift before and yesterday was my first mornin' shift in Coffee Bean. It was fuckin' busy at Singapore Post. See lotsa people and it was super mega extremely busy to the maximus of the maximum! 8 am - 4 pm shift... It was insaned! Met new people in the Coffee Bean crew, it was the weekend crew.

Somehow, I don't like the manager though.. although she's passive but sometimes, she simply can't see people sittin' still, unlike the usual night shift manager, Chandra, where he would just let u rest when he sees u not doin' anythin'. Learnt to do EB yesterday... F.Y.I, EB's the hot drinks available in Coffee Bean. Learn a couple of new stuff.. Too much to contain in my brain! ARGH!! NOUH!!!

Workin' is one thing, gig is another. Remember the Gas Haus gig that No Direction suppose to play, well, it happened on the same day when I worked. After knockin' off from work, I head down straight to the gig in Gas Haus. Tired, leg shaken and shagged... I made my way to Gas Haus.

In Gas Haus, I took a nap and it sure did feel so long. I was nappin' like a baby... Cool air con, comfy Sofa... "SHIOK!". When i woke up, I stored a li'l energy back into myself. hehe, but it wasn't that much. hehe. So yeah, I did that..

Waited for our set to start and it did... we played like we never played before, moved like crazy... And the best part, durin' our set, the big screen was showing the soccer match. So at the beginnin' of our set, Fad jokingly said, "I want u guys to watch the match and not us..." hehe.. that was crappy.. and the best part was... when Man U scored their first goal, Bernard was distracted by it.. and he stopped playing and celebrated the goal, all this while we're still playing our song.. it was funny.. and he continued on after that short stop..hehe..it was crappy...

I'll make this blog a short one... I'm endin' it here cuz class has ended.


PluGGy: Hey sweet baby, Fallen Neo is Fathu, remember that dude at No Direction Video Shoot? He was that dude with the torn jeans and slippers. Yeah, that's fallen neo.. Miss ya, love ya! All the best for ur actin' career! MUACKS!! oh yeah, one more thing, I owe u a meal? if ur talkin' about the video shoot, that's yan, not me.. I already belanja u makan that day eh kat Long John..my last 5 bucks tau... hmph! hehe.. One fine day dear, I'll belanja u.. hehe...When I get my pay lah..

Fasha: hehe, thanks cutie... welcome very much...

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