
Radwimps - Me Me She

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Ola to all! I'm back at home.. Finally.. I got a detail for tomorrow (Sunday) But Hell, I don't wanna go! I told my Staff Sargeant that I got plans... I understand that it's hard for him to find replacements.. First of all, he ain't the detailin' Spec... Some other guy.. Which doesn't know how to do detailin'.. Everybody's tired of camp.. They're sick of the details that they get... Tons of details but less off days... Empty promises... We work overtime but get the same friggin' pay... If it was an outside job, we would earn god knows how much extra dollars just to work at those extra time... The indented vehicles was put at a different timing but when the actual thing happens, it always turns out later.. Like yesterday, my detail started at 5:30am... For the recruits' grenade throwin' at the live range in Pasir Laba Camp... So yeah, the 5 of us reported there at 5:30 on the dot... But the guys in Infantry wasn't ready to move out... In the end, we ended up movin' off around 6:30... Reached at the ground around 7 plus... Got there, waited for those dumbos to end their trainin'.. All in all, it ended around 6pm... Move out from there, head back to camp... And guess what? I got another detail! This time, it's coverin' safety in East Coast Park for their 14 click route march! How awesome can it be? So there I go again with two other drivers... Reach back camp around 7pm.. And those in Infantry decided to move out at 7:45pm... So There I go again.. Head out to East Coast... Waited there.. Coverin' safety... Sit in my Rover together with one of the medics... And what time it ended? 5:30am, the next day... And in my detail sheet.. Supposedly to have another detail at 6am... I didn't have enough sleep! So when I got back in camp, I spoke to my Staff Sargeant that I can't do it... I might doze off while drivin' and cause some accident... So he got a replacement for me... And here I am! I got home... Finally.. It's fucked up to be in camp... Most of the people that doesn't know much about what's goin' on, they might think that drivers are the slackiest vocation u can get in the army... But it ain't.. It can stress u up in the mind... I'm tryin' to hold on...

On Thursday, I went down to Bugis... Went to this Cafe where Hallie is workin'.. Hopin' to see her at the counter when I got down.. But all hopes fails when there was no sight of her... Wanted to approach the staffs there but I just didn't have the guts to ask... I mean, what would they think? So, my efforts were all burnt... Met up with B.. Hung out and he spoke to me... When he met me, he said..."We need to talk..." And that talk was bad news... When I typed in my previous entry, I said somethin' about What Could Be Worse? This is it... I'm in the hot zone... I can't say it out here cuz it's confidential.. But what he told me really got me... Bad Details, No Phone, Missin' Girlfriend and now this? I got a few people eyes turned red...

That's it for today... i can't type in much no more... Outta here...

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