
Radwimps - Me Me She

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Hey hey hey! Hey ho to all of ya! And today, being the first new day of the Islamic calendar...I wanna wish ya'all... "Selamat Hari Raya"!!!! I would like to apologise to everyone out there, anyone that I've wronged... Hopefully u would forgive me... Right now, I'm feelin' really bad...

Promised Hallie that I'd bought her the Honey Chicken that they're sellin' in Geylang... And I did.. She told me to get two but I bought her extras... Well, to give some to her family... So there I was, buyin' the Honey Chicken... After that, I hung out with the bunch... The so called, usual bunch with some of the old chatters joinin' us after not meetin' for a long time.. So yeah.. Hung out, chatted and laugh away... And after that, went to play MOHAA in Grandlink... All this time, I totally forget about Hallie... The thing is, I called her before we went to play MOHAA... But she didn't pick up my call. So I take it that she's busy helpin' out at home with Raya preparation. I promised her and yet I didn't make it... It's not that I didn't but it, I did... After MOHAA, I called her a few dozen times but to no avail... She switch off her phone. I guess that she's either mad at me or she's busy or she's sleepin'... But I take it that she's mad at me... Wild guess but the probable chances are that. I'm feelin' so fuckin' bad right now and I don't know how i'm gonna make it up to her... I hope that she would forgive me...

Anyways, hung out with the bunch and puGGy was one of them... It was fun, hangin' out with the old bunch and most real, have not hung out with puGGy for quite some time and well, hangin' out with her again.. Was madness.. Hehehe... Just like the old times.. The chatter days..

Geylang was packed (Like always, every fuckin' year)... but these days, it ain't the same no more.. The place, simply disgust me.. Okay, not the place, the place is nice... but the people there... Most of 'em.. Make me not want to go there at all.. It's hot, it's jam packed and u walk like 1cm/sec... small li'l tiny steps to make ur move... Being a big guy, it was hard to manouver in between tight spaces... Met some old friends (I think).. or was it saw... Met my camp mates... and bla bla bla.. the usual shit when u go Geylang.. If u were a regular there... U'll meet people u didn't even meet for ages... and suddenly, boom.. they're right in front of ya. So my conclusion, Geylang is 50/50 on the good and bad side.. (Whatever I meant... SOCKS!)...

That's it for today, don't feel like typin' out no more cuz I'm feelin' super bad... Cheers to all!

"Kami dari Carlsberg hendak mengucapkan, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua umat umat Islam... Berayalah bersama, Carlsberg...Probably the best beer in the world." - Made up by Fan...

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