
Radwimps - Me Me She

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Tuesday...It's a freakin' Tuesday... i reported to Sembawang Camp today and I have to fuckin' wake up early in the mornin'... Thanks to my bro, I have transport...So i took a free ride in the car... Well, had my first islandwide drivin'... Drove my tonner... Three tonner..And we drove in a convoy of three... Lead Convoy is a 5 Tonner, the second in line is the rover and the last vehicle is the three tonner...so yeah... I was drivin' last... It was fun...but heck, it's fuckin' tirin'... Goin' at only 50 or maximum 60km/h... on a highway... fuckin' hell..it's fuckin' slow..Drove 100 mins and clockin' around 51 km.... Jeez...That's insane..I'll be drivin' again tomorrow...left two more vehicle...The rover and the 5 Tonner... Madness.. it shacks me up..

Bernard just called.. And most real, he told me that there was somethin' wrong with my home phone...and I didn't know anythin' until he told me.. So the thing is, I rarely use the phone at home unless I'm talkin' to pluGGy.... B told me that she tried callin' me yesterday eve...but to no avail...damn! Hahaha... Sick phone... Looks like I have to sleep early tonight as I got long hours of drivin' tomorrow...fuckin' hell...but maybe, before I go to sleep..I have a chat with dear old pluGGy...

Aight, that's it for today's update...Oh wait.. To Miss D... Yeah yeah, ur CV car and all...and ur cruisin'...hey, if u wanna drive..and u can't do the parkin'...I can do it for ya... It wouldn't be that risky..cuz it's a car park..I can park it for ya..I mean, if I can pass my parkin'...with a three tonner...why not a small Nissan? Hehehe....Aight, anyways, cheers!


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