
Radwimps - Me Me She

Thursday, May 06, 2004

*sigh*... The first thing I can say when I open up my page... Ngast! Didn't go to work today, got myself "sick" so that I can report sick in camp... Too lazy to work cuz what I feel is that we're doing shitload there... And it's not somethin' worth doing..it's just some crappy stupid job... SAF... more like SAFo...Serve And Fuck Off... So yeah, endurance play it's part here...

Hey BeLLe....finally know who u are...Emelia... The Gel Bottle... I'll remember that... Thanks for all the messages and stuff.... Still have it...still smellin' good...

p|uGGy... Nice chattin' up with ya yesterday... Hehehe.. Madness ain't it? "Hi...Hey...Hmm...Hello?...Hmm..." Hahahaha.. Old school siak! Ah most real, the thing about u... well, Since u made a promise that there won't be any cash involve if we were to meet up... I'll tell ya. Deal? Heheh... Most real ah, I can't do outgoing calls or messages! SIAN EH!!! Okay p|uGGy-O, see u... say... next week right? We slack like old times... With the usual BK Slackers... Okay, maybe not the old BK SLackers... but u know the guys...Lordch Bitch, Frodo Baggins or Enrique, Mr.Batman (Fad)... Nik-o..and many others... I'll try to get them to slack next saturday... or if ur free..this Saturday... So yeah, u know my number, feel free to call ya? CHeers to u great ol' p|uGGy-O! Maybe I'll call ya some day...

To those who diss... thanks... It's coffee in the mornin' for me when I read it... U know what I mean...Oh yeah, my replies...

think:- The word famous, doesn't even come into my mind... Why are U the one that's puttin' thoughts that never exist in my mind? I never want to be famous... and I play in the band not for fame... I play cuz I love music and I simply love to play for the kids to listen although some may not like my band's music but what I know... I have fun when I do so on stage... And u got it wrong when p|uGGy said about fans...u got it all wrong cuz she told me about my blog thingy and we talked about this... so yeah, ur assuming... but anyways, thanks for taggin'...

Noraliza Idris:- Oh, ur that malay singer... I mean, ur name... not u... Fu! p|uGGy berbual ngan aku... FUIYO! Terbeliak giler babi siak mata aku... Serious! Tak bedek sial.... Jantan Shiok sendiri... hmm... Boleh jugak... Apa apa kau nak panggil aku.. carry on... Like I've said before... everybody have their own views and I can't have EVERYBODY liking me... hate me if u want to... cuz once again.. u have ur own opinion... Cheers!

Most real, this blog is becomin' like audioreload's forum page... disses... what is the god forsaken world becomin' to? Anyways, pics will be up (yeah, like I've not been sayin' that for a million times...Pics up..pics will be up..bla bla bla..yet..it's still ain't up)... but seriously, It'll be up...later...

Yours Crapilly,

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