
Radwimps - Me Me She

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

It's been two days for the second week of life in Clementi Camp... Began work yesterday... It was hectic and fuckin' tirin'! Came in the mornin'...around 7:30 and reported to my Warrant Officer... After that, had a canteen break and then we started our work:- Some free cheap forced labour jobs... Carryin' loads of wooden logs... And it' ain't light. So we carry it, and reorganized that place so that it'll look neat and easy for the forklift to pick it up. Lots of splinters in the hand... and some unnoticed cuts... But unit life, as a temporary storeman is kinda cool... I mean, u can slack and u can rest whenever u wanna rest..u can smoke whenever u wanna smoke but not anywhere... Have to take cover just to smoke..heh... Finished the job around 5:30 in the evenin' yesterday. Time passes, kinda quick yesterday and it was the same for today... For today, we did sandbags...loads and loads of sand... And one sandbag...ain't that light, it's like... fuckin' heavy! got ourselves sandy and our once shiny boots all sandy and greyish in colour. it was tirin', my hands are like feelin' the muscle straining or somethin'...

What I heard from p|uGGy is that she's havin' a hard time at her place... She's stressed out and it's drivin' her insane somehow... It ain't physically tiring but mentally tiring... I can see that whenever I meet her after work or somethin'. Hope that she won't quit her job cuz it has a good pay and it's quite a good job although it can drive u crazy at times... but by the looks of it, I think she'll quit this job. Even if she quits, I can't force her to stay, it's her decision. *sigh*...she could use a li'l bit of that hard earn money for herself... I wish I could help her big time... I just wished... Hope to see her around one day and maybe we can hang out again..

Got home early today cuz my staff sergeant let us off early... There's many more sandbags to go, GOD DAMN!! Aight, anyways, gonna get back to my game... America's Army... It's an awesome game! Cheers to all!


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