
Radwimps - Me Me She

Sunday, February 01, 2004

I'm back! Hahaha..it's a Sunday..and I can believe I spent the whole day...at home! Fuckin' hell,I know that it's good to stay home and bond with the family..bla bla bla...but I ain't the stay-home kinda person. So here I am. Just washed my dirty laundry...Loads of it. Muddy uniforms and stuff... My boots are are still a li'l bit wet.

Last week,I had my field camp... and boy...it sure was an experience. Out of the three days,two days it rained... Poured heavily on us. Built up our Basha (It's like a simple version of the tent) on the open space in between rows of rubber trees. So... rain + soil = MUD... I like the weather though...Cooling,wetness...I don't know,I simply love the rain. And the whole area was covered with mud..and it ain't normal mud it's like...thos sticky..deep kinda mud... At first it was kinda weird and eeky to sit or whatever but after a while...no one gives a fuck about the mud... We sat,lay down,rolled in the mud... so mud was our friend... There were fucked up moments and fun moments altogether... Our officers and sargeants showed their true colours... They were evil... But it was all for the good. Learnt a few new things and gained an experience only NSmen would experience. Seriously,I was a panick wuss...At night...especially..cuz I can't see shit and my torch was givin' me problems...so walkin' in the dark where u can't see much of anything...was a true obsticle... It ain't much of a physical stress...it's more on mental.

The food we ate there...Combat Rations, food that's packed up in this green packs...and how u eat it? Fuck with the plates,forks and spoon... We tear the pack and we squeeze the food out and just munch it like that... Some of it taste good..and some..well..a okay,ain't bad,ain't good...but after some time..u'll get sick of it. Don't wanna talk much on this stupid field camp shit cuz I have two more days to go when I book in and that sucks...

Yesterday was my gig,it was awesome! The crowd was a big turnout but as usual...u people who go to gigs,would know...Skinheads,punk and rudies are there...they sorta dominate the space. But most real,most of 'em are newbies. U can fuckin' see that their faces doesn't have that I'M-A-FAMILIAR-FACE-AT-GIGS look... As young as what...12? 14? God damn...and I mean young,already dressing up like that. What do they think? A gig means Fashion Parade? Fuck that shit... Especially the rudies,with their NOT-ENOUGH-CLOTH pants and their coats looking all rich and stuff..but hell,they ain't got a merz or a cadillac...They pay a few cent on this big vehicle with a driver,driving many people around...and this vehicle is called..the bus...which is,public transport.. God! And yet,they're supposed to be WORKING CLASS? ha! A joke to society. Anyways,played at the gig and the bands were awesome...Riddermark made their debut appearance and they were awesome... Shoe size nine,improving greatly on backing vocals and skills on guitars... Losing streak,Great showmanship and with Dila in the band,seeing him playing the guitar and singing for the first time...Hehe,normally,Dila would either play the guitar only or play the drums on stage...but not singing... ND's set was okay although a mistakes was made...only known to ourselves..hopefully the crowd didn't notice... I was really dissapointed with the crowd cuz they sat down...can u believe that? They SAT DOWN when the punk rock or emo bands played... but..they actually got the freakin' energy to raise that heavy butts of theirs and RUN up to the front to SKANK when the SKA BANDS are playing...can u believe that? And yet they say,SUPPORT THE LOCAL SCENE...MY HAIRY MALAY ASS!! Really dissapointed. The crowd ain't how it was back then,when SKA don't really EXIST in the scene... NO ONE LISTENS TO SKA ANYMORE...hahahahaha..Fuck that shit,that's their own problem.. What I know,Every of those other bands have friends or followers to back them up including my band...

To those who stand in front of the stage and looking up to the bands and supporting them while others sat down...I wanna say thanks! Keep doing that to pump up the spirit of the bands up there playing...

I've got to say,I was damn nervous before the show cuz it's been a while since I've last played in a gig...I was actually shakin'... Thanks to u guys who stand in front or by the sides of the stage...Ur screaming or plainly shouting out jokes..simply boost my morale up and got me back straight to focusing on playing without the word NERVOUS on my mind... Once again,THANKS!

I'll be bookin' in tomorrow evening..and boy..it sucks,those who went through NS before should know...to those who haven't...U guys will know the feeling when u guys go in...

That's all I have to say...Take care everyone...See u guys around again...PEACE!


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