
Radwimps - Me Me She

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

.:: Ola To All ::.

Hey hey hey! Here I am...
Finally got a chance to at least... write in whatever I did or feel.. and what not...
Like what blog should be like...

Been a li'l crazy with work lately...
As in the working hours.. hehe.. And well, kinda shagged out after work normally..

Many things had happened in the past few days since I last blog..

.:: Short Retarded Fucktard ::.

Watched a couple of movies already... Made friends with the people already and knowing who I can trust and who I can like, talk to and joke around with...

They're all right but only one or two of them that I hate.. and I'm not surprised, even the others do not really like them... They're one of those... fucktards who thinks that they are damn wise.. and know everything.. U know what I'm talkin' about? These kind of characters.. where.. they're like.. fuckin' unfriendly.. Just because they worked there longer doesn't mean they have the right to be that way...

I was told by this Short guy.. well, he's the shortest fucker ever... for a guy.. and he looks retarded as fuck.. a typical mat rip... So yeah.. he told me about somthin'..

There was, mindin' my own business up front cuz I was appointed to tear the tickets... And there he was, standin' upstairs.. and he was like takin' notice of me.. And slowly, he steps down.. and he approached me...

"Wan, kau koyak ticket lembab ah, apa yang kau tengok tengok sia?"
("Wan, Ur slow at tearing tickets, what were u looking at?")

So i was like... wow, what did I do? I mean, it's tearin' tickets and I was lookin' to double check and also to speak to the patrons.. U know.. like.."Hall 4 is the second hall on the left ma'am/sir.. enjoy ur show!" U know, this simple things that could somewhat cheer a person up or somethin...

Anyways, the short fuck said that.. and I was like lost..
So I told him..
"Apa yang aku lembab? Salah ke aku koyak gini?"
("What makes u say I'm slow? Is it wrong with the way I tear it?")

And so, he said that he will show the way of tearing the tickets.. and he took over..
And I watched..
And well... Wow.. that's ur version of tearing ticket..??
Which is like.. almost exactly what I did! And he wasn't exactly tearing it faster then I did.. if was about the same..
So what makes me slow at tearing tickets?
What? If u were to tear it quickly, u'll get somekind of award?
Maybe like a friggin' spot in the fuckin' guiness book of records?
"Fastest Movie Ticket Tearer In The World - Short Fuck Of Filmgarde"
Fuckin' retard! I so fuckin' hate him.. I just hope he would tumble and fall down the stairs when he's cleanin' the hall and then knock his head against the edge of the seats or something and just die of internal head injuries or something...
Retarded short fucktard!

.:: Sweet Morning Shift ::.

Ah... nothing like the morning shift..
I love it, a li'l quieter.. Peaceful...
Not that hectic..
And the best part...
Short Retard don't work in the morning...

So yeah... 9-5 tomorrow...
Makin' friends with the Box Office people.. They're ok..
I guess I was wrong.. first impression isn't always it...
They look like they wanna eat someone up or somethin',.. but when u talk to them.. they're ok..

.:: Yat's Fed Up ::.

My poor poor li'l Yat...
Is all fed up with her work..
The people there are drivin' her nuts..
And so,
she seeks a new job...

Well my dear, confirm with me again, ok?
This Thursday! See ya there!

.:: Ol Skool Guy ::.

The other time... Where it was the finals or somethin'...
Guess who came?
Dila! Dil! Fuckin' ol skool guy!

He's not been hangin' out with us for some time due to work and he got his own shit to settle.. and well, it was nice to see him hangin' out with us again..

Miss hearin' his jokes.. his stupid silly jokes that had always made us laugh...
Still the same Dil as the Dil we have all known years ago...

He's gettin' married next year...
Man, everyone who had either, crossed path with me in life
or still with me in life...
is already either gettin' engaged or married...
And what about me?
HELL NO! Hahahahaha!
I mean, of course I would want to settle down and just be married...
I can't even support and take care of my own self right now
and I want to take care of someone else's daughter?
No way man.. not a good plan...
I wanna make sure that I'm financially stable and truly ready to support that someone,
only then I'm ready to step up the plate and just... get married...
As for now, I'm leavin' it the way it is...
I'm happier! Hahaha!

.:: Project Natal ::.

I am damn glad that I had bought an Xbox rather than the PS 3... Not sayin' that PS 3 is not god.. but just sayin' that.. Xbox is comin' out with new insane stuff!

First of all, I'd like to say that...
Left 4 Dead 2 is coming out this November 17th!
They will have new special infected, new weapons, new survivors.. and what not!

Anyways, that's besides the point here...
I was watchin' E3 just now.. and oh my god.. new stuff coming out...
And one of it.. is this thing called..
Project Natal.
The technology is amazing...
It's a motion detection device..
Which also has a facial recognition and a voice recognition as well.. and it's fuckin' amazing!
U interact with the game.. and it's a whole new experience in gaming...
My words cannot express much or explain.. so I'm gonna link up some videos for u guys to watch..
Watch it, guys and girls.. watch it.. it's fun for everyone!

This one above is the trailer of what's to come! Cool or what?!

This one above is to roughly let u have an idea of how the games would be...

Now, this one above.. is the most insane thing ever!! U can interact with the character and u can talk to him and he will react to u.. and he can detect if ur sad or ur happy just by recognising ur voice. And it's fuckin' amazing! JUST WATCH IT! Please.. watch it.. it's cool!

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