
Radwimps - Me Me She

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Aight... This is a simple entry, got a couple of new pics comin' up... and more new pics comin' up. Well, my pictures ain't as good as Dewi Marie's or any other photographers but it's a watch. I mean, somethin' to kill ur time, lookin' at my lame pics. I'm gonna list out some description of the new pics below, I mean, at the listing... on the left... under pictures... yeah... here we go...

A Day Out With Surya:- Well, like what it says, a day out with Surya, well, not really the whole day, just the afternoon. After that, went jammin' with No Direction in BMC and hung out in town to shoot some pool. Crashed at B's Place and there's some night clouds shot... Awesome pics for the clouds! And some stupid facial expressions by me.

The Day I Stop Jammin' In BMC:- The day I stop jammin' there because of that stupid fuck who takes care of the place. Don't u guys agree? He's a fuckface! I don't think he even know what's music all about. 7 People in the room, he chase us out and asked for 2 bucks from any extra people in there. Can't even stand outside that window thingy to see the bands play? Can u believed that?! He asked us to watch the band from the security monitor? Yeah right, so small, what can I see and what the fuck can I hear?! In the first place, he shouldn't even make those stupid windows if none of us can watch the bands there. Anyways, this load of pictures was the day when First Chapter, Rika and 180 jammed. And also, BK slackin' session.

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