
Radwimps - Me Me She

Monday, December 08, 2003

Got a call from her... Was glad to hear her voice again. She was out with her friends,raya outing. Well,at least I'm glad to know there's something to keep her mind off things for a while. I've been home,nothin' to do besides the game to keep my mind off. I fell asleep just now while my brother was using the comp. When I woke up,I went out,saw my bro finished using the comp and it was her messaging me. I was lookin' forward for her to message me again,but she didn't.

A few seconds later,she called my handphone,I rushed to it...cuz I was cleanin' the plate. Well,of course I was happy to hear her...but somehow,something was different. I felt cold...very cold...The way she talks,the way she says things...and the way I talk as well.. It's like,first meet all over again. I wasn't talking to her like how I did before..all crappy and bubbly...I was just..nervous... And I don't know why she talks to me in a weird way. Why do I feel cold?

She said she sent me a mail...I have yet to read...although it ain't here,maybe something went wrong... Whatever it is,I just hope...that the mail,ain't something that would bring me down or something... NS's coming up soon... Real soon...

"It's all a test,given by god...A challenge,an obstacle that I have to go through. Problems I have to solve...A test of patience,faith,trust and believe...That's how I see this one... Time will tell..."

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