.:: Late Riser ::.
I woke up a li'l late today.. I mean.. what's new? Hehe.. I woke up late.. everyday! Which is actually.. not a good thing.. Ngast! So yeah... I woke up around 5 or 6pm just now.. And I was like stonin' away in bed... staring at my laptop screen.. Life is beginning to be a routine.. Same ol.. same ol... but wait.. it has been that way for years.. haha.. so nothing new! That's right!
First thing I did when I woke up just now... was lookin' at my handphone and most real... Lotsa people message me... Yati, Ash, Hallie and B...
But the thing is,
I can't reply... My pre-paid's low.. so yeah.. Can't message or call out but can only receive messages.. so.. yeah!
.:: "Wan aku nk cari werk baru!" ::.
"Wan, I'm wanna look for a new job!" - This was the first message I got for the day and it's from my dearest Yati...
I was like, what? Are u fuckin' nuts! I mean... finding a job is kinda hard right now at this moment and u wanna quit ur job?
But then again, I know she's a li'l stress up with her work...
Her work schedule's like ultra insane I'm tellin' ya.. Graveyard shift for like a week plus.. straight in a row plus overtime? Wow! That's like insane.. and I feel that she's like being bullied or something.. u know.. picked on... She's workin' her ass off, poor laling...
Well Yat.. hang in there... Secure a second job, then quit... Never mind.. May 11th aight? We're going to wind down... just us chillin' out at our favourite place.. Beer Garden! hehehe...
Till I meet u, hang in there... *huggies*
.:: Busy Lady ::.
She's so hardworkin' that she's always busy and not around...
Who is this?
She's workin' her ass off to pay off stuff and she's always busy...
And every time she gets home, she's always so tired and normally, I wouldn't get a chance to talk to her cuz she'll be so dead beat by then...
Maybe I gotta learn to understand this,
to understand that it's kinda hard juggling life when ur workin' each day... More like a routine, I mean.. my life's a routine but mine's simply just being a bummer (for now that is)..
She's so busy that she doesn't have time to reply my messages...
But what I can see now, she's tryin'... At least she does message when she's going home or when she's home.. so.. that's something new...
.:: Paris Goes On Tour ::.

Personally, I know these guys and they are the most peaceful and loving people I've ever met and I grew up with them. Funny, laid back and simply peaceful...
Well, they'll be going on their first tour tomorrow. They'll be leavin' for their 1 week plus tour... And I'll be sendin' them off at Golden Mile or was it Golden Landmark... U guys know.. the ones where there are buses going to Malaysia...

All the best for these guys and rock hard boys!
Share with them the music u created!
Just for the fun of it, here are their tour dates:-
- May 9th '09 - Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- May 10th '09 - Ipoh, Malaysia
- May 11th '09 - Taiping, Malaysia
- May 12th '09 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- May 14th '09 - Malacca, Malaysia
- May 15th '09 - Johore Bahru, Malaysia
- May 16th '09 - Singapore
- May 17th '09 - Jogyakarta, Indonesia
- May 18th '09 - Solo, Indonesia
Lastly, I'll end off this post with Paris In The Making live show at F.A.D Studio... Enjoy...
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