.:: Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles ::.

Most real...
I've not slept ever since yesterday...
Got home only this mornin' when it was pouring like mad with thunder and all...
And I couldn't sleep...
Ain't that fuck up?
Was sleepy when I was in the bus headin' home but I just couldn't sleep when I got home...
And there I go, surfin' the net, checkin' my mails and bla bla bla...
And the next thing I remember was this ol' skool 3D cartoon which i so love when I was a kid..
As we all know, youtube would be the best place to look for old stuff..
U know, like cartoons or movies or series and such...
So there I type out: Starship Troopers
And they came out with all sort of starship troopers clip... and so I tried again this time with the word 3D included... and yes.. they came out with the one I want...
A whole series of the 3D version and I got hooked watching it... And here I am, 1:47pm and I'm still awake! Holy cow!
If u guys wanna watch it just for good old time sake... here's the link:-
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles
.:: Going Back To How It Was ::.
Yesterday was somehow, a good day...
No, wait...
It wasn't good...
It was amazing!
Saturday like any other day
this time it was a li'l bit special...
Not like Uber special but just...
Head out to City Hall from my place at about 7:45pm...
Got there about 8:28pm? Somewhere there...
And I was right about on time I guess...
And there she was...
After not seeing her for almost a month or more than a month, roughly there...
I almost forgotten how beautiful she is...
With her dimpled smile and a her cheery hello...
She made me smile...
It was really great to be able to see her again...
Head out to Magic Wok to have dinner and I ordered Seafood Hor Fun ( Yes I know, of all things, I ordered that.. sheesh!) and so we ate,
chat up and catch up with stuff,
admiring each other again like how it was in the beginning... about 5 years ago...
It was simple...
Decided to catch a movie and so we set off to Cineleisure...
Got there and saw the listing... but in the end.. we decided...
"Screw the movies, let's just walk around and hang out..."
So we did.. we walked around in Cineleisure..
U know.. the More Than Words.. and all those other shops...
Just did some window shopping...
After a while, decided to go back to her place..
She got the keys to her dad's car...
and we drove around...
Chilled out at our favourite spot,
which is Tanjong Rhu...
Used to be a quiet place which was peaceful... but now it seems like.. a lot of people know that place already.. so it was quite crowded...
Had a simple chat and just looking into the view,
had some smokes and we decided to go off...
"Let's just drive around" she said...
So we did... she drove around...
nearly got lost somewhere...
Ang Mo Kio
Mount Faber
and lastly...
back to her place...
It was fun... talk shit in the car... had good laughs.. and simply enjoyed each other's company...
I guess after all,
she is the one that I truly love,
despite our differences and disagreements...
.:: Package: Paris ::.
Earlier in the day yesterday,
Me, B & Yan sent off the Paris boys...
Goldenmile it was...
It was a li'l touchy when they were boarding that bus,
Although I know it's just our neighbouring country,
But hey,
these are the bunch that I hang out almost every night with..
So for the next few days,
it'll be a li'l quiet than usual..
All that's left is Me, B & Yan ( I'm talkin' about the closest ones )
One day down for them.. another 6 more to go?
Hope they're rockin' out good... Can't wait to see them on their Singapore show!
.:: Crazy Weather ::.
The weather's a li'l weird... Very weird...
While me and Hallie was in the car, it wasn't raining at first...
And when we were driving on the way back, suddenly a heavy down pour...
Weird, ain't it?
At first, Hallie wanted to send me home,
but I know she was sleepy cuz I just know it when she's sleepy...
So I decided to accompany her home,
and when we got back, I told her, it's ok... U just go ahead home and sleep..
She was from work and I know she's all tired.. so She went up and I just waited for my first bus...
I couldn't go to her place because somehow,
I got banned? Hehehe...
So... yeah.. and there she was.. going back home while I hung out alone at her void deck..
It's a no biggie actually..
I'm a born slacker! hahahaha..
She was a li'l worried that I'm all alone at the void deck.. yada yada bla bla...
I was downstairs.. already takin' a nap! Hahaha...
It was quite comfy actually..
And suddenly, it got soooo cold.. and loud bangs of the thunder was setting off..
Open my eyes.. and there u have it..
Heavy rain pouring... and I was like.. whoa!
So I head home after the rain subside a li'l...
And here I am.. home...
.:: Yishun, Here I Come ::.
In a while, I'll be headin' off to Yishun.. to have some family gathering... So yeah, my aunts over there are cookin' up some dishes.. and havin' some people coming over.. So yeah, why not ey?
That's right... free food! hahahaha!
Till then u people.. I bid u farewell! Cheers!
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