.:: Boom! Boom! Just Like The Artillery ::.
Man... The thunderclaps are insane! It's like the cannons being fired or somethin'...
"Boom! Boom!" it goes on and on.. and with the lightning goin' off like flashes from cameras...
It was fine and sunny moments ago..
And then...
Out of nowhere... But it's good...
It's all good.. I got home already so.. good timing!
.:: Leisure Park ::.
Head off to Leisure Park just now...
To try my luck at the walk-in interview at the Cinema...
I wrote my position that I applied for as Cashier or Usher...
Well, if I get the job, it's still somethin'.. although it ain't much of a pay...
But hey! It's still somethin'... to let the days go by... rather than none...
While I was askin' for the form... I saw my camp mate... more like.. BMT mate..
Aliff... one of the nice dudes in my company...
What are the odds? Of all places... A place where I'm going for an interview at.. hehe..
He's been workin' there for almost a year...
Asked him how it is there and he said.. it was allright.. not that bad..
So I guess it's ok..
Well, just hope that I get this one...
...for the time being...
I hope I'll get that call for the second interview...
.:: Lost Of Handphone ::.
Sheesh... Lost of handphone... I know how that feels...
Cuz I lost two phones... in the period of 6 months... amazing ain't it?
Happened when I was in camp and I only realised the purpose of the "camp phone" after I've lost two phones... Wow.. what a lesson!
Two of my phones (Nokia N-Gage & Some Nokia Clam shell phone) was stolen when I was in camp..
The N-Gage.. which took me a few months to save up just to get it, got lost after using it for 3 months...
The Clam shell phone.. which I used up all my NS pay ($350) just to get it.. got lost in 1 month... Fucked up.. or what?
Anyways, talkin' about lost of phone...
Hallie lost her phone..
I have no idea how the heck she lost her phone...
She's known to be a li'l careless at times...
I was waitin' for her message and somehow got me a li'l worried to a point where I was li'l bit pissed about it.. Thinkin' that she doesn't bother to message me or somethin'...
So when I got her message.. she was in an angry mode.. well.. I don't' know why..
All I text was, me being worried and where u at.. why no reply.. u know.. the usual stuff.. and she got pissed..
She called me an idiot.. hehe.. and she was sayin' why I couldn't understand a simple thing...
Well, how am I to understand when I don't have anything to even understand to?
She didn't text me and she didn't explain what happened..
How would I know? Right?
But anyways, it's all good.. just one of those.. misunderstanding moments... So yeah.. she somehow got her SIM back from Singtel... wait.. not got it back.. but replaced it.. so yeah.. she got it replaced.. And now, i don't know where she is..
.:: Yuji's Coming To Town ::.

This is a picture of me & Yuji taken in Japan at some restaurant while havin' breakfast or was it lunch.. can't really recall...
This was taken back in '07? or was it '08?
Oh yeah, it's '07! See how fat and chubby I was... I mean, I'm still chubby now.. but I was chubby-er back then...
Yuji, the father/brother figure when we were there in Japan. He took care of us real good and we love him for that. A 40 plus year old man with a heart of a 20 year old... A cool awesome uncle!!
And the weird part... He can speak Indon.. hahah.. A Japanese dude who can speak Indon... So it was a li'l bit weird.. cuz when we converse with him.. it was in half English and half Indon.. So yeah... Reason for him to be able to speak Indon is because he have a business in Bali... So that explains...
Anyways, Yuji's comin' to town just for one day... He's havin' a stop over to Singapore before headin' off to Bali...
It's been a while since I've met him and so, kinda excited to see him again... That's how much we miss him as how much we miss the rest of the Japan family (FC Five, Use My Third Arm)
So it's this Sunday... and he wants to go to the Have Heart gig here in Singapore.. so I guess I will have to bring him there.. And let him have a good time here cuz we never get to do that with him... And maybe bring him to a sheesha session..
Cuz there was one time where he commented on one of my pictures in MySpace...
And it was a picture of me smoking sheesha and he comments..."I want to try!"
So yeah.. maybe we will bring him there...
Yuji came down at the wrong time..
The Paris boys won't be here when he touchdown cuz they will continue with their tour to Indon.
Bernard's not here either cuz he's in Thailand...
So it's just a few of us... That is, if that few of us will be around...
For sure I'll be with him to bring him around, on behalf of the family...
.:: Package: Paris (Part Deux) ::.
Tonight, the Paris boys are comin' back from their Malaysian tour and their last venue is in JB.
So they'll be headin' back home tonight to prepare for their show tomorrow here at Crawlspace (Which I have no idea where that is)...
So me and Yan will be headin' over to Woodlands to pick them up... It's nice to be able to see them again... But I'm sure they'll be a li'l dead beat from their tour.. Touring can be tiring... Not as easy as it seems from a point of view of a listener or gig goers...
A few more hours to pick up time...
Most real... I'll write in again...
Till then, I bid u farewell!
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