I'm back everyone!
Since my last entry that is.
For the past few days, I wasn't in the mood to write...
So yeah and here I am now.
Just got back from "watching" soccer with the bunch at B's place and here I am now,
in front of my lappy and tryin' to blog away...
.:: Missing The Bunch ::.
It's been like a few days since the Paris boys had gone for their tour and my late nights seems to be a li'l quieter...
Less fun...
Cuz they're the ones that add the colours to my late night hangouts...
With their silly jokes and their ridiculously hilarious actions...
They never seem to fail to make the night full of fun...
They're in the midst of their tour right now and they'll be stoppin' by this Saturday ( May 16th ) to do a Singapore show here together with the Italian band they are touring with: Milvains
Can't wait to see them again and I miss those crappy fucks!

This is the flyer for their upcoming show this Saturday,
thought I shared it with u guys...
thought I shared it with u guys...
.:: Man U 2 - Wigan 1 ::.
I never really have any interest in soccer and all those soccer matches that I've watched are all in the name of being the company of my friends.
Being there just to hang out and laugh along...
Talkin' about laugh along, watchin' soccer just now was a li'l weird without the Paris boys...
Normally we would laugh a lot with those bunch around cuz they would pass stupid comments or just make stupid jokes out of everything that happen during the match...
But this time it was a li'l quiet... Although we did have some laughs of our own...
Yati, B, Dzul, Yan & Me... Just the five of us, chillin' out at B's... With Chocolate Milk and some chips to go along... The remaining bunch for now before the boys return from their tour.
One highlight for the match was Teves's score, it was amazing... Even for a guy who don't watch soccer would know that was an amazing goal...
.:: B for Bangkok ::.
Later today, B will be headin' off to Thailand to have a short holiday together with three others... Spendin' time with his loved one and their two other friends...
Have a great trip buddy! And enjoy ur time down there...
I guess that's one more hangout buddy down for the whole week... Ngast!
.:: Need Time To Think ::.
Had a conversation with Hallie a few days back...
Or was it yesterday? Hmmm....
Anyways, had a li'l conversation and well... we're still not together yet...
That is from what she thinks...
She said that she needs time to properly think about us being back together...
She worries that she might make a mistake...
For me, I don't even know what is there to think about... If ur heart says go for it, why not?
For what I know, my heart says that it's her and I'm pretty sure I wanna stay this time... Losing her again is not a good option...
We both have to work a li'l harder on our understanding...
That's for sure...
If ur heart had made a decision, don't let the words of others confuse u and make u have second thoughts...
I just want us to be us the way it was... how it had always been for those 5 years...
I shall just let time play its role...
.:: May 11th '09 ::.
On May 11th, I hung out with my ITE Mates...
Or should I say, the Van people... Hehe...
It's been a while since I've met Yoda and Kecik,
It was nice to see them again... With Yoda's sarcasms and funny jokes plus Kecik's adorableness..
It felt like school again...
Just us four: Me, Yati, Kecik & Yoda
Chillin' at Beer Garden and catchin' up on our lives...
Eatin' our favourite bowl of Fishball Noodles...
It was just a chill out, "lepak" session...
Yoda had to go off early cuz he had some assignments to complete, given by his officer in camp.
He's some magazine designer for his camp or somethin' like that...
After hangin' out, we sent Kecik back home...
So all the way to Woodlands I drove and it was a long drive.. but it's all good... It's a once in a while thingy...
Kecik cut her hair and she looks good in it... kinda like it... And she's still as wacky and adorable as before.. hehe.. so yeah..
That's right!
Cut my hair!
Wouldn't be that presentable if I were to go for interviews with my long hair... So yeah...
Gonna cut it and then gonna go for some walk-in interviews..
Yati my dear, I love you sis! Thank u for the job postings!
I shall give u A for effort!
Huggies to u my dear!
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