Well looky here.. it's like 6:47 in the fuckin' mornin' and I'm still fuckin' awake! What's new ey? It has always been like that.. be it schoolin' days.. or those workin' days... yeap yeap! Well, the birds are like havin' their own singing session right now.. chirpin' away... When they do that, u know it's morning..
.:: Random Morning Breakfast ::.
The day before, I slept over at B's and well.. same old same old...
Session with B for a while...
Played around with my guitar and have a solo jam session with my amazing Boss DD-20 Loop... (This shit can make play ur guitar for long period... Amazing!)
Watched some TV and at the same time watched B conquer the world on his Computer playin' his Total War Empire..
Had a short nap...
Woke up, drove B's mom's car together with him to Beer Garden to meet Yat who had just finished work.. Poor li'l dear, all tired...
But yeah, we had breakfast... had some chicken rice although we wanted to eat the Fishball Noodles (the stall was close and they only open at 6pm, so... damn!) Had a few chat, smoke and some drinks...
Sent Yati home after that and head back to B's... And when we got back, I wanted to go home but I was feelin' lazy... why? Because B's room is pampered with the aircon.. and it's so comfy.. so that makes me feel so lazy to go back... So yeah.. had some shut eyes..
Woke up around 5 plus.. told my dad I'd be home.. but no.. I stayed on... Had dinner at his place.. and then Yan came over... and then head off to SJC to have some drink... And then I went home while B and Yan head off to the airport to fetch B's mom who was coming in from Taiwan (I think...)
So yeah.. plain old Monday.. ngast!
.:: "...It Doesn't End Well..." ::.

Some of u may not know what that line means... I mean, literally we all know what that means.. but if u were to read that.. it's from somewhere...
L4D... that's right... Survival Mode... Intense as hell! It was interesting.. cuz this time, the objective's simple... Survive... The longest we manage to survive... 6 Mins 18 Secs... That's considered.. ok I guess... And it was god damn tough! Especially if u got hit by two tanks at the same time, on top of that.. two hunters and two smokers.. I mean... OH MY GOD! hahaha... It' insaned I tell ya...
For those of u who have not tried L4D.. or the Survival Mode... and if ur a fan of killing Zombies... this game's the bomb.. u should try it!
And Yati my dear.. we should so go play this game together again and maybe we could ask Yoda along... Miss playin' it with ya!
.:: Application For Jobs ::.
Remember that I told u guys that I've been like sending out resumes to companies and stuff? Well... None of them replied... And that sucks a million! It's either my resume is lame or the companies are just being picky... Either one... either ways.. it sucks!
Khai Bahriah messaged me on my phone, tellin' me to check out my message on Facebook and well.. it's regarding two job offers... I mean, not offers but... sorta like an ad...
One of which is a Voice Talent job... to do some Malay Documentry stuff... and that seems cool so I sent a mail... Which I'm hoping that I would get that job... if would be cool.. to be a voice actor.. sorta like what I've been wanting... so.. yeah..
And the other one is some Event Security job... Like what the title says.. Being a Security for some Event.. So yeah.. I send out to that one too..
Well, I hope any of them would reply.. or those that I've sent for back then.. just.. anyone... as long I get a friggin' job!
.:: Come Back ::.
One hope that I'm hoping for...
Is for you to come back...
Be in my arms once again...
For I am not complete...
Without you...
-= END =-
"I guess I'm not prepared to say...
Goodbye, so long, farewell, I won't be seeing you again
Until next time that he goes away.
I guess that I'm wrong for falling in love,
But you're still the one that I'm dreaming of.
I guess that it's you I want to hold onto,
But you're holding onto someone else."
Goodbye, so long, farewell, I won't be seeing you again
Until next time that he goes away.
I guess that I'm wrong for falling in love,
But you're still the one that I'm dreaming of.
I guess that it's you I want to hold onto,
But you're holding onto someone else."
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