Ola to all! I'm back... previously I was writin' in Facebook's Blog.. so.. yeah, to those who might have Facebook.. u can read up my recent blogs on my profile page.. It's the one to the left of the window.. so yeah...
Now, this Jack ass over here... Is me.. most of u would probably know me.. but some of u don't.. so yeah.. This is.. me!
.:: Tuesday Lalness ::.
It's 3:26pm right now... And it's a Tuesday.. now.. take a look at the date on my post.. and from my recent post.. Allright maybe not my recent recent post..but the last one.. I mean.. like.. holy shit! That's like a year ago! And readin' through everything.. I mean, almost everything.. it's like walkin' back into memory lane.. So much shit had happened.. things changed.. the people I hang out with change.. Relation with people change.. I mean.. wow.. When we go through the days, we wouldn't realise things but when u have something like a Journal or... a diary.. or for this case.. a blog.. u will see the changes...
I was like readin' back my stuff.. and laughin' and some shit that happened.. and I was thinkin' back of some of the "emo" parts I had in life.. It's like.. wow.. and I didn't realise I could write that good.. or.. at least what I think of it as.. (Most probably it's lame.. so yeah..)
It's a Tuesday and the days just happen to be a repetition.. cuz everyday. I'm like a hopeless fucker who just sits at home.. and worry about stuff.. damn it!
.:: Jobless Me ::.
Geez, it seems like it's really hard to get a job... Really not a good time to look for a job due to the recession and what not.. and it seems like people do not want to hire staff.. Many of my other friends are havin' problems finding a job too.. And another reason is that... those who came to our land.. is takin' our jobs as well.. Immigrants.. They come here.. they get OUR jobs.. even when they don't even know how to speak friggin' English! How hard is it to speak a simple English? Especially.. those who came from China.. No offense.. but these goons.. come here.. with no knowledge of English.. gets the job.. I mean.. wow.. English is like the number one language in the world.. but no.. these bunch of fuckers thinks that their li'l chinese language is so fuckin' divine.. that they don't bother to learn English.. Fuckin' hell... Customer Service.. and u don't speak english.. what fuck is that?
And I can say that some of the employers here are fuckin' racist.. Lookin' at colours to hire.. fuck u! U can put one Chinese, one malay and one indian dude waitin' outside the interview room.. And u can see.. the favouritism in race... Malay guy goes in.. a couple of minutes.. he's out.. lookin' dissapointed.. and then the Indian guy goes in.. takes a li'l longer.. and then he goes out.. lookin' dissapointed.. and then.. these Chinese from China.. walks in.. Speakin oh so loudly in his thick unable-to-make-out chinese... And then, he walks out.. smiling... So yeah.. what does that show.. Fuckin' hell.. A li'l bit unfair here? Hello? We're suppose to be one people, one nation? What ever happen to that? Fuckin' bastards!!
.:: Moving On ::.
I guess it's really that time for me to move on... This is like.. no longer that.. "It's allright, we break up.. soon we gonna get back again..." This time.. it's the real shit.. And it's kinda hard for me.. I mean.. 5 years, people! It's been 5 years I've been with her.. and many of u would know who it is.. Hallie... so yeah.. 5 years together.. from the time I was still serving my NS.. to the days I had no job... to workin' as a delivery driver.. and then schoolin' in ITE.. and then that security job.. till today... That's like fuckin' long time.. the longest relationship I ever had!
We've been through our ups and downs together.. so much.. We argued with one another and then we make up.. From the first date.. till our lat arguement.. It's that long.. And finally.. it ends... I'm sad but somehow.. a li'l ok about it.. I mean.. it's for the good for the both of us.. I mean.. rather than.. splittin' up.. and then gettin' back together again and then argue and then split up again.. it's better to just.. put it to a stop.. I mean.. hey.. love is about enjoyin each other's company.. and to be happy with each other.. but from how things were.. it wasn't that way..
Love was definitely there.. even if we argue and stuff.. I know that we do love one another.. and it's a fact.. But we just had to do this to stop hurting one another ever again.. So break up it is... Many would hear stories about her.. some know her existance only by her name.. and some.. don't even know that she existed.. But honestly, she was an awesome gf but it's just that.. we had our differences.. 5 fuckin' years..... Wow!
Talked to her a few days ago.. and well, she sorta found someone to go out with.. it was this dude who's workin' in Singtel.. just opposite her workplace.. so.. yeah.. they sorta develope somethin'.. and they're like.. dating now.. And hearing that from her.. is like.. weird.. u know.. I mean.. it's weird because we've been together for 5 years and now i'm hearing that she's going out with another dude.. it's kinda.. weird and... well.. sad..
Told her about my feelings.. and she was saying that I should try to move on too and open up my heart to someone new.. She say that it will help to move on.. and we both agreed that it's hard for us.. and of course, we do miss one another.. but some things just had to be done..
And so she asked.."How about u, have u found someone?" At this point.. I don't really know.. but I guess I did.. No.. wait... I did found somone.. and I'm sure about my feelings towards her.. I like her a lot... It's just that she's sorta like.. not ready yet... So I gotta slow down and take it slow.. Anyways.. I replied back to Hallie.."Well, sorta.. I found someone.." Then she said.. "Good.. go ahead.. u should go on.. open up ur heart.. It will help us both to move on.." Well, easier said than done... But I want to move on.. and I need u to do that.. I want u to do that.. but if time is what u need.. then time is what u shall get.. I'll give u the space u need.. What I do know that I'll be here always.. waitin' for u if u need me...
Well, I'm happy for Hallie.. She sounded so.. happy.. I guess she found a better guy.. that's good.. at least I know she's well taken care of...
.:: Random Videos ::.
This is Paris In The Making, one of the beautiful local bands here
Optimus Prime singing Plain Sunset's "Find A Way"
Allright, this is the end for today's post.. I'll write in again soon... Cheers!
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