[ MOOD:- Thoughtless/Sleepy ]
Hmm, I don't know what's up with my topic title, "Short Class, Have A Blast"? What's up with that? That's like.. what the hell... Well, it's like hopeless... hehehe... Anyways, I'm wearin' my un-dried sweater cuz it's somehow washed by my mom and I wanted to wear it today since it's cold. Whatever it is, I already worn it and it's done for... It's already past 8 am and the clas is not even quarter filled... Where the heck are the rest?
Talkin' about the rest...here comes a bunch of 'em...Suran, Adam, Lin and Yani... Where could the "Paris" people be at? They're always late, it seems that their "flight" is always delayed. Hehe.. Just jokin'... What I heard from ma'am that we'll be shifting classes in a few minutes time and god damn, I need a fuckin' smoke right now. Hmm, wonder wear I could polute my lungs? Toilet? Hmm, risky, desperate...but I'll might go.
.:: KL TRIP ::.
In a few hours time, I'll be goin' off to KL with my band. Our bus is at 7pm and we're meetin' up at Goldenmile Complex around 6:30. Fad's not comin' along today cuz he doesn't have much to do since we're doin' guitars for this session. Gotta record a new track... a song that we just composed like two weeks ago. Dzafir made a pack with B that if he completes our new track within 5 takes, he'll buy him a bottle of beer... Just for a beer? hah.. that's like total insanity. Anyways, hopefully we can get this thing done as soon as possible cuz somehow it's killin' us slowly with the financial thingy. Every trip we made for the past two session.. it's like using up about 150 Sing bucks per trip... Depending on the bus fare that we have to pay.... This trip, I'm usin' like $230 for the trip... 120 for recording, 60 for the to and fro bus trip and 50 for expenditure. And all of this, is not comin' out from my pocket or my savings, it's from my dad and I feel bad about it but I guess it's all gonna be worth it.
.:: GOING DRY ::.
Just like it says, going dry... If I don't start the job as soon as I can, things gonna get harder for me and my dad. Everytime I want to borrow cash from him, it's a total heavy burden for me to ask cuz I just feel bad about it... like totally. My dad's no longer working and he's dependin' on his retirement pay for everything and of course,with the slight support from my bro. I need that job so badly now. Let's just hope...
Called Hallie up yesterday when I got home from the studio after a refreshment session with B as we prepare ourselves for the recording. Hallie got to stay behind at the airport to help her friend cuz she was alone so Hallie gotta cover her up... so she did an overtime... workin' supposedly from 3pm to 11pm had now extended to 5am the next day. Poor baby of mine... She had to do that cuz a flight to Hong Kong was detoured to Singapore for a stopover cuz Hong Kong had some bad weather or somethin', so they have to wait... and the lounge she was workin' at was full of people... Haven't got a message from her, I guess that she's too tired to message... poor angel...hope she's okay later on...
Suddenly, and I mean, suddenly.. I'm missin' the old people again... puGGy, Ina (Sensei), Irma a.k.a Li'l One, Nik, Firdaus, Fattah and the rest of the ol' skool kids. *sigh* hopefully one day I'll get to see them again... especially my high school buddy, Tunggal... Totally missed that bugger...I know that somehow sounded gay... but hey, him and me, we're like brothers man... totally brothers... Just hope...
Till then, I bade u farewell...
Radwimps - Me Me She
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