
Radwimps - Me Me She

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Ngast, it's so friggin' bored in class.. and it's like total madness! insaned.. this classes can drive me nuts..i mean, for this module that is... lookin' back at my blog, it's so fucked up..messed up and so plain... Cuz why? I've accidently deleted my codings..I mean, some of my codings.. that is.. and it's like total madness! And look at it.. everything's gone...my links my pictures...only like..half of it was saved!

.:: BOREDOM ::.

That's what it says... BOREDOM!!
I'm bored X 10,000,000!!!
ARGH!! hahahahaha

.:: FAREWELL...again ::.

Well, be back when I'm back..cheers!

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