[ Mood:- Bored/Moodless ]
It's a Monday and it's like a super Monday blue... As we all know it, once u go through the weekends, u don't feel like startin the week again, somehow u just wished that u could stay in the weekend... Right now, we're doin' this database stuff which we need to learn to enter data for future reference. And we're doin' this CD shop project. It's like a pretend thingy, the boss of this CD shop had asked u to create a database to keep a record of customers their details, CD details and bla bla bla... It's drivin' everyone nuts somehow... i guess we just gotta get the hang of it.
Things with me and Hallie are movin' along just fine again... Looks like the waves had finally calmed down and we're sailin' just fine now. Maybe we just needed to loosen up on things and head back to the things they were... Hours and hours of talks, jokes, senseless laughings and things are gettin' back to normal again. We're smiling like how we were again and it's an awesome feeling. i hope this will keep up and stays the same forever. (distracted by teacher upfront).. God damn, looks like I have to continue this later...Gotta go off, class had been dismissed.
I'll be right back....later....in about...a few hours..later...Allrighty then...
Radwimps - Me Me She
Friday, July 28, 2006
Sometimes I just wished that things are back to the way
they were... I just missed it at times... and I still don't
know why things turned around. What went wrong? I've been tryin' to find out but it's just so hard to get it right. They say that it's hard to get it right the first time but I've been through a lot of it and I'm still havin' a hard time to get it right...
I love my baby a lot... and I really mean a lot but she just doesn't see it. I may be a loud shouting boyfriend. I mean, honestly, I would shout out if I lost my temper but that is only when she did somethin' wrong and even so, she still doesn't realise that she's the one at fault. I just don't get it and never will I guess. Just like the song by The Ataris, "The Last Song I will Ever Write About A Girl", in the line,"Why do I never seem to learn that love is wrong and girls are fuckin' evil. I guess I'll never figure out, what womankind is all about..."
How I wish I could have a Genie lamp or something and put up a wish...and that one wish would be how things were back then. The happy us, no hassle, no arguements, no uptight conversations, no worries, no paranoia and such. It was just... free of mind. She was my comfort zone and I'm sure that I was her comfort zone too but now it's like we don't wanna turn to each other... I guess I have to buck up on myself if I wanna make things right. Tolerate.....tolerate.....tolerate.....tolerate..one day it'll pay off... Cuz I love her so much that only her who holds the key to my heart...
I wish things will be okay again... I hope...as time goes on...

they were... I just missed it at times... and I still don't
know why things turned around. What went wrong? I've been tryin' to find out but it's just so hard to get it right. They say that it's hard to get it right the first time but I've been through a lot of it and I'm still havin' a hard time to get it right...
I love my baby a lot... and I really mean a lot but she just doesn't see it. I may be a loud shouting boyfriend. I mean, honestly, I would shout out if I lost my temper but that is only when she did somethin' wrong and even so, she still doesn't realise that she's the one at fault. I just don't get it and never will I guess. Just like the song by The Ataris, "The Last Song I will Ever Write About A Girl", in the line,"Why do I never seem to learn that love is wrong and girls are fuckin' evil. I guess I'll never figure out, what womankind is all about..."
How I wish I could have a Genie lamp or something and put up a wish...and that one wish would be how things were back then. The happy us, no hassle, no arguements, no uptight conversations, no worries, no paranoia and such. It was just... free of mind. She was my comfort zone and I'm sure that I was her comfort zone too but now it's like we don't wanna turn to each other... I guess I have to buck up on myself if I wanna make things right. Tolerate.....tolerate.....tolerate.....tolerate..one day it'll pay off... Cuz I love her so much that only her who holds the key to my heart...
I wish things will be okay again... I hope...as time goes on...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Ngast, it's so friggin' bored in class.. and it's like total madness! insaned.. this classes can drive me nuts..i mean, for this module that is... lookin' back at my blog, it's so fucked up..messed up and so plain... Cuz why? I've accidently deleted my codings..I mean, some of my codings.. that is.. and it's like total madness! And look at it.. everything's gone...my links my pictures...only like..half of it was saved!
.:: BOREDOM ::.
That's what it says... BOREDOM!!
I'm bored X 10,000,000!!!
ARGH!! hahahahaha
.:: FAREWELL...again ::.
Well, be back when I'm back..cheers!
Ngast, it's so friggin' bored in class.. and it's like total madness! insaned.. this classes can drive me nuts..i mean, for this module that is... lookin' back at my blog, it's so fucked up..messed up and so plain... Cuz why? I've accidently deleted my codings..I mean, some of my codings.. that is.. and it's like total madness! And look at it.. everything's gone...my links my pictures...only like..half of it was saved!
.:: BOREDOM ::.
That's what it says... BOREDOM!!
I'm bored X 10,000,000!!!
ARGH!! hahahahaha
.:: FAREWELL...again ::.
Well, be back when I'm back..cheers!
Ahhh.... Here I am... Again, in front of my comp...not at home..but in school. It was total boredom in class the period before cuz there was nothin' but tables, chairs and a board for the teacher to write on. I was ignored... and that..was fuckin' irritating.. somehow. Still have a few more hours to go till home time... *sigh*
I was at the studio yesterday night for a jammin' session and some video diary interview done by Ikay... it's a video Diary of the band... but that's not the point... earlier, I told her that I would be home around 10 or 11 plus..but somehow, things got delayed, so we jammed a li'l later and the interview was pushed up as well, thus, resulting in the delay of comin' home. when it was roughly 11 plus, I decided to call her to inform her that I'll be a li'l late to come home cuz of the stuff I had to do in the studio... Well, she was unhappy somehow... Whenever I mention Band, Studio or gigs, she would suddenly turn into this.... thing... and she starts to throw a hate fits on me... other than that, she's super sweet and all.. So that was fine... Hung up..and I carried on with my business.
When I got home, I gave her a call.. took about 4 to 5 calls just to hear her say hello... And I said hello in a nice way..but what I got was an irritated tone by her sayin,"What?"... Wow, that was weloming enough...My intentions was good but somehow, she's tryin' to find trouble with me.. So I kept my cool.. Whatever it is...
She was talkin' about stuff.. u know..THE Future... together and stuff like that.. I was explainin' my view on it.. and stuff.. but she just doesn't understand cuz she keeps sayin' the same things over and over even after explainin' over and over again...That's kinda sad for me...and in the end she was the one who was pissed... And the weird part is, the fault would always turn back to me when initially, she started it.. i love her but if she keeps this up, I don't know if I would still be here... When she's in her nice mode... she's super sweet.. and super nice and all..but if she's in that bad wind of hers... she's like a super Hitler of somethin' and without knowin', turnin' into some kind of a War General or somethin' like that...
I just don't know lah... whatever it is, i love her..I love her with my heart and soul and I'll ripped my heart out just to prove my love to her...
I'm sorry Hallie for being a jerk that I am...
Upcomin' gig for No Direction.... NYP, tomorrow... It's free... hehe.. do come down if u want to..(that is if there's ever anybody still reads my blog)...Well, that's all.. nothin' excited...
Aight then, that's the end for today, shagged like mad (although i did nothin' much physical)... till then, I shall bit all of u...a very good farewell...Cheers!
Ahhh.... Here I am... Again, in front of my comp...not at home..but in school. It was total boredom in class the period before cuz there was nothin' but tables, chairs and a board for the teacher to write on. I was ignored... and that..was fuckin' irritating.. somehow. Still have a few more hours to go till home time... *sigh*
I was at the studio yesterday night for a jammin' session and some video diary interview done by Ikay... it's a video Diary of the band... but that's not the point... earlier, I told her that I would be home around 10 or 11 plus..but somehow, things got delayed, so we jammed a li'l later and the interview was pushed up as well, thus, resulting in the delay of comin' home. when it was roughly 11 plus, I decided to call her to inform her that I'll be a li'l late to come home cuz of the stuff I had to do in the studio... Well, she was unhappy somehow... Whenever I mention Band, Studio or gigs, she would suddenly turn into this.... thing... and she starts to throw a hate fits on me... other than that, she's super sweet and all.. So that was fine... Hung up..and I carried on with my business.
When I got home, I gave her a call.. took about 4 to 5 calls just to hear her say hello... And I said hello in a nice way..but what I got was an irritated tone by her sayin,"What?"... Wow, that was weloming enough...My intentions was good but somehow, she's tryin' to find trouble with me.. So I kept my cool.. Whatever it is...
She was talkin' about stuff.. u know..THE Future... together and stuff like that.. I was explainin' my view on it.. and stuff.. but she just doesn't understand cuz she keeps sayin' the same things over and over even after explainin' over and over again...That's kinda sad for me...and in the end she was the one who was pissed... And the weird part is, the fault would always turn back to me when initially, she started it.. i love her but if she keeps this up, I don't know if I would still be here... When she's in her nice mode... she's super sweet.. and super nice and all..but if she's in that bad wind of hers... she's like a super Hitler of somethin' and without knowin', turnin' into some kind of a War General or somethin' like that...
I just don't know lah... whatever it is, i love her..I love her with my heart and soul and I'll ripped my heart out just to prove my love to her...
I'm sorry Hallie for being a jerk that I am...
Upcomin' gig for No Direction.... NYP, tomorrow... It's free... hehe.. do come down if u want to..(that is if there's ever anybody still reads my blog)...Well, that's all.. nothin' excited...
Aight then, that's the end for today, shagged like mad (although i did nothin' much physical)... till then, I shall bit all of u...a very good farewell...Cheers!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
hahahaha.. Total madness to the maximus of the maxim posters all over the bus-stop place with that advertisement thingy on the side behind the chair....haha..(HUH?) hahaha... i'm in class right now and it's like total madness sia.. Boredom to the max..I'm just waitin' for my favourite module. Cuz right now, the module's that's goin' on... is so dull.. and dry.. hehehe.. madness..
About the job I was so overly excited about... well, no news... I had to call them up for news. Everybody's like askin' me..."So ur workin' today?" or things like.."When u start work?" And my parents are like pressurin' me with the questions... most real, I have no idea. Called them up yesterday askin' whether they have a spot for me... I was tellin' the manager, this guy by the name of Chandra, on my school timetable since I've got my timetable already. Well, the thing is, he said that he will call me up to tell me whether he can slot me in into the available slots for the job. well, the thing is, no news at all... Just have to wait and hope I guess...Hmm...
Had the most wonderful night with my love yesterday... It was Uber awesome. She came over to my house after she knock off her job at the airport.. Oh yeah, for those who have been readin' my blog should know who's my special one is.. Hallie it is.. back then she used to work in Delifrance in Bugis right? Well, she got tired of workin' there and she resigned her post. She began workin' at the airport like..last week.. as a Passenger Service Agent at the Transit Lounge in the rainforest Lounge... okay..enough of that.. let's get back to yesterday.. She swing by to my place and hung out with me and my family. She stayed from 6 plus right to about 11 at night.. Total fun and madness...somehow she became my mom's best friend.. that's like..INSANED!! GIRLFRIENDS!! ARGH! NOUH!! hahahaha.. Insanity to the maximus..
Borrowed my dad's car (somehow, by chance and luck... I got borrow my dad's car...MADNESS!) to send her home... It was sweet, sendin' her home, she lookin' all pretty and me...lookin' like some bummer..in my school's PE shirt and shorts..hahaha.. but all was good..Sayin' sweet good byes, kissin' away.. hehe.. after seein' her off as she disappears past the lift door.. I drove off back home...
As soon as I got home, I simply couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to call it a day and hit the sack.. Well, that's what I did exactly.. Took a drive in the neverland... hehe..
Well, here I am, back in school. Was a li'l late today but all was good.. Oh yeah, one more thing... After a year of not blogging.. when i got back to the blogger site..I went to edit my stuff.. and guess what? I accidently deleted my links in my coding page..and that was fuckin' irritating.. MADNESS!! Aight then, gotta go and get back to my class work.. Cheers mates!
About the job I was so overly excited about... well, no news... I had to call them up for news. Everybody's like askin' me..."So ur workin' today?" or things like.."When u start work?" And my parents are like pressurin' me with the questions... most real, I have no idea. Called them up yesterday askin' whether they have a spot for me... I was tellin' the manager, this guy by the name of Chandra, on my school timetable since I've got my timetable already. Well, the thing is, he said that he will call me up to tell me whether he can slot me in into the available slots for the job. well, the thing is, no news at all... Just have to wait and hope I guess...Hmm...
Had the most wonderful night with my love yesterday... It was Uber awesome. She came over to my house after she knock off her job at the airport.. Oh yeah, for those who have been readin' my blog should know who's my special one is.. Hallie it is.. back then she used to work in Delifrance in Bugis right? Well, she got tired of workin' there and she resigned her post. She began workin' at the airport like..last week.. as a Passenger Service Agent at the Transit Lounge in the rainforest Lounge... okay..enough of that.. let's get back to yesterday.. She swing by to my place and hung out with me and my family. She stayed from 6 plus right to about 11 at night.. Total fun and madness...somehow she became my mom's best friend.. that's like..INSANED!! GIRLFRIENDS!! ARGH! NOUH!! hahahaha.. Insanity to the maximus..
Borrowed my dad's car (somehow, by chance and luck... I got borrow my dad's car...MADNESS!) to send her home... It was sweet, sendin' her home, she lookin' all pretty and me...lookin' like some bummer..in my school's PE shirt and shorts..hahaha.. but all was good..Sayin' sweet good byes, kissin' away.. hehe.. after seein' her off as she disappears past the lift door.. I drove off back home...
As soon as I got home, I simply couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to call it a day and hit the sack.. Well, that's what I did exactly.. Took a drive in the neverland... hehe..
Well, here I am, back in school. Was a li'l late today but all was good.. Oh yeah, one more thing... After a year of not blogging.. when i got back to the blogger site..I went to edit my stuff.. and guess what? I accidently deleted my links in my coding page..and that was fuckin' irritating.. MADNESS!! Aight then, gotta go and get back to my class work.. Cheers mates!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy.....EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back from the past! Hahahah.. It's been a while ey? Well, that's because I was like fuckin' lazy! Been busy with shit... lotsa shit.. Girlfriend, family, band and school... A whole lotta thinkin... And what's more, with the band doin' recordin' right now and in need of money to travel and such... It's total madness, going up to KL every fortnightly...
Startin' school tomorrow... after three weeks of holidays... and also, my new job tomorrow at Coffee Bean... Total madness... IN NEED OF CASH!!! hahahaha... Aight then, gotta go... Cheers to u! BYE BYE!!!
Startin' school tomorrow... after three weeks of holidays... and also, my new job tomorrow at Coffee Bean... Total madness... IN NEED OF CASH!!! hahahaha... Aight then, gotta go... Cheers to u! BYE BYE!!!
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