Allright folks..welcome back! Here's my update!
Thursday - Ah...the day I bought her the gift...B came over to my place earlier to play "Call Of Duty" And boy..he was really into the game. After that,set out to City Hall to rendezvous with Tweet. Went there in a cab thinkin' that we were late (well we were) and guess what? Almost lost my handphone! Fuckin' hell! How can I forget my phone? left it in the cab and luckily...thanks to B's phone...Called up my own phone... There was this girl who picked it up..and B asked her to pass on to the she did. So the uncle went back to the spot where he dropped us off and my guess is that,he was already away from where we were. Called him again and somehow,he sounded pissed..heheh..."Wait lah wait lah..I'll be comin'...I'm drivin' there 10 mins". Guilt sets in... I was feelin' bad,I mean,if he was alone,it's okay..but got damn...he had a passenger...but it's my phone we're talkin' about here! he arrived around the time he said he would...and when I took the phone..I apologised to the driver and the passenger..and most real..the uncle gave me a smile..but it wasn't a pure smile's like the "Oh-Please-Pay-Me-Cuz-I-Have-A-Passenger-And-I-Turn-Back-For-You" Kinda look... But heck..I just said sorry..and smiled..and walk away...
Head down to Penin...found the shop...and there it was...The Vespa model,just like what Inn told me. I saw the black one,wanted it so badly cuz that's the colour of her bike...but then,silver was the only colour left so i took it. And yeah...that was the gift-search day...
In the evening,had diiner with B's family at some restaurant in Siglap... B's mom blanja me and's always B's side that's blanja-ring me...insane! Someday,it would be my turn. After all those eatin'...head down to Mackerz in Haig Road...Slacked there and that is when Dil & Tweet joined us. Talked shit and stuff till late and both Tweet & B went off while Dil came out to my place (oh yes...he's one of those lucky guys that get to come up to my place...known him for almost 4's his first time comin' over to my place for a casual visit). Played "Call Of Duty" and had some mad fun showin' him the game. He hanged out till about 1 plus comin' to 2 in the mornin' and he was sent home! My bro volunteered! hahaha..insane...Dilah,got a free ride home that night!! Overall..had a good day...
Radwimps - Me Me She
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