Hey everyone! After a long "Hiatus" status... I'm back!
Like I said in the previous entry, I didn't go away to anywhere...
It's just that I've not been bloggin'... Sorta like, didn't have the time to...
Juggling time with...
That's right everyone, u read the last part right..
The last time u guys read up about me...
I fell out of love... a very long relationship that ended so sudden...
And yeah, I was so EMO and stuff... Talkin' about this.. bla bla bla.. and that...
Yeah, I was... I was downed...
But things slowly pick up again... After I realized that it's not... really worth it...
After I realized that shit happens for a reason... and I learnt to accept this phrase...
"If it's meant to be, things will fall into place... If it doesn't... just let it go..."
So yes... it was hurtful but hey, I picked things up...
Found someone new and by now, some of u may know about it...
Most probably through facebook...

Is Miss Tina Tan...
She had found the broken pieces of my heart and decided to fix it up slowly...
And to heal is what she did...
She makes me smile every time I see her...
She shows concern every time I'm not eatin' enough or if I'm tired...
She always check up on me to make sure that I'm all ok...
She's my new found angel... Adorable li'l Tina of mine...
Right now we're comin' into our 1 month mark.. and comin' up soon to our second month... Many would say that it's still the honey moon period and yes, I couldn't agree with them more... I mean, it's still the sweet relationship era... And well, I really hope that it will stay this way.. cuz I'm really lovin' it...
Let's see how this one goes cuz so far... it's been wonderful...

.:: Finally Got Myself A New Phone ::.

Well, I did put up a video on the phone that I want...
One was the Samsung Beat DJ phone...
While the other was the T-mobile's Sidekick phone...
Well, I got one of 'em...
Which is the Samsung Beat DJ Phone...
This phone had gotten a fair share of good and bad review about it but I guess it all boils down to the individual...
To my personal opinion, this phone is fantastic... It's amazing...
Mainly because of the unique look of it,
I'm a sucker for weird lookin' phones or different from others... so yeah..
Firstly, the phone doesn't look like a phone.. it looks like some mp3 player or somethin'...
it's a touchscreen phone and it's cool except that it's a li'l laggy when u touch the icon u want.. but it's not really THAT much of a lag.. just like a few milliseconds or somethin'?
As for the sound on this phone, it's insanely awesome! The speakers are made by Bang & Olufsen... So imagine that.. the sound on the speakers... It creates and almost stereo sound when u play it at full blast...
One of it's unique widget is the Beat DJ thingy... That's why it's called Samsung Beat DJ...
U can play any tracks that u have stored in ur phone and then u can like, edit it.. Like, scratch the song.. or put in effects.. or have the tempo changed or shift the pitch... and stuff like that...
As for the camera, it's a 3.2 mega pixel quality and if u wanna see the quality.. just look at the picture of Tina I posted up... That is the quality of it's 3.2 mega pixel.. and it's not that good when taken at night but it can be great when it's shot in the day, when the lighting is good...
As for the video.. it has a 640 x 480 VGA mode... and it doesn't lag when u shoot it... and like it's camera.. it takes better video in day time due to good lighting...
Finally, Overall rating to me, this phone is amazing!
.:: Might Be Jumping Ship ::.
As many of u know, currently I'm workin' at Filmgarde... That cinema place...
Well, the job is really slackin'...
and it's a simple job...
BUT.. I just feel that $1,050 per month is not really enough for me... I mean.. it's enough to like.. survive.. but not enough to like... save cash...
So yeah, I'm thinkin' of jumping ship...
A few days ago, I head out to that Resorts World @ Sentosa interview thingy...
They're like givin' out job opportunities to many many positions..
cuz this resort is like.. openin' 6 Hotels on the island.. and not to mention... Universals Studios!
So they had post like Crew & Retail for Universals Studios...
Duty Manager, Guest Relation Agents, Concierge, Bellboy, Doorman and what not for the hotels post..
They have Casino post too...
Driver for limousines and even Trams...
And like a lot more...
When I got to the place for the interview..
The queue reminds me of the queue for Hello Kitty... It's insanely long...
Anyways, there I was.. queuing up and fillin' in the form.. and moving along to the front..
And when I got to the front, I submitted my form and then, I was told to come back at 1pm (it was like 11 plus in the morning by the time I submitted the form)
So yeah.. gee... 11 plus to 1.. what can I do?
So what I did was walk out of the place.. hang out at some void deck till the time comes...
And I head back...
So there I was.. waitin'...
waitin' for my name to be called...
and after waitin' for like about half an hour or so..
My name was called...
"Mohamed. Hezwan Bin Ismail..."
And I raised my hand and walked to the other queue...
And then we were brought over to another holding point... (Wow! There's like shit load of waitin' point and it was gettin' a li'l tiring... and what's worse, I was workin' later that day!)
So there I was, all alone... along with many other strangers who's lookin' for jobs...
And then some Ang Moh guy came out and called out my name...
So yeah...
I went in..
And the interview went on...
Told me about the job...
Explain to me about what I would be doin' if I get it..
He Explained about the resort...
And he told me...
Give it 7 - 10 days...
If I get the call, that means I'm shortlisted to go for a second interview..
If not.. then it's not a success...
So yeah.. right now.. I'm like waitin'...
I applied for Guest Relation Agent, Concierge and Bellboy...
The first two post are all filled up...
So I'm left with Bellboy...
So there u have it...
I'm hopin' I'd get it so I can jump ship outta here...
Aight peeps... I think that's about it.. I nearly fell asleep in front of my lappy... It's the fastin' month by the way.. Ramadhan it is.. and we're on our 5 day today... and stoppage time is soon... So that's right...
Take care everyone and I'm sorry if this entry is a li'l... not smooth flowing.. hehe.. I'm like shagged out.. and wantin' to sleep right now.. so yeah.. typin' out rubbish.. hehe..
Aight all.. take care.. cheers!