MooD : Stoning
Date : 16th October 2006
Time Starts : 4:48am
.:: Hello School ::.
Yeap! That's what it says in the headline, "Hello School"... Yeap, looks like my one month break is finally over and how I wish...I repeat that again.. HOW... I... WISH... that the break wouldn't end. It's like, too early for it to end. Just as I was about to really enjoy the moments.. u know, somewhat like how it felt after I ORD-ed? Well...ermm..yeah, it's somethin' like that. But hey, we gotta smell it.. yeap... it's school allright tomorrow. I mean, it all seems like a dream. One month had past and trust me, one month is like a fuckin' short time guys... Trust me.. it's super short. Without realizing it, it's over..I mean.. FLASH.. that's it.. GONE...
Okay, I guess I go a li'l bit too much on that... ermm... break thingy..I mean, just look at that.. (Looks at the upper part of this blog)... yeah.. there u go.. it's like... bla bla bla.. Hahaha.. I miss the bunch in school.. I mean, the crew I hung out with... Yeap.. Syakir, Nad, Yati, Fathu, Lin, Hidayah and the rest of my class.. Darn, it's been a month and I nearly forgot my class's number.. Hmm.. what was that number again.. oh yeah.. PU...ermm..PU0604J? Yeah..I think that was it... Anyways, it'll be a cool beginning to my next module. I mean, our first subject takes place in 06-08... For those of u who's in my class or at least, in my school would know... 06-08 is a lab.. a computer lab... with INTERNET access! Yes.. INTERNET access! Meanin'.. most of us wouldn't be payin' much attention to the teacher teaching.. Hehehe...I mean, come on guys, let's get real here... Who would, in a normal state of mind, pay attention to the teacher when ur sick of that subject... I mean, ain't that right? I took notice of that... Whenever this particular classroom was used, most of my classmates wouldn't ever bother to listen to the teacher. But yeah, tomorrow's 06-08!! That's right!!
Ok, somehow, whatever that I've just wrote, is either lame, stupid or simply unlogical... Cuz u guys wanna know why? I'm in my stonin' mode... Meanin'... That I'm like half awake... I can't sleep cuz I gotta get ready for school in hour's time.. So yeah, if I were to fall asleep... that's it.. I wouldn't wake up, and yeah... No School! God damn it... Litenin' to Comeback Kid right now... to the song.. Wake The Dead... Yeah!! That's song is fuckin' awesome guys, check it out if ur into fast paced hardcore music. U know, one of those, sing along type...
.:: In Bella I Sleep ::.
I'm tellin' u guys... Bella Luna Studio is the place... Da' Place! And seriously, somehow, I have a feeling that Bella have this some kind of a black "evil power" or somethin'.... I mean, for us regulars.. those who always head there to hang out and stay the night there or nights there... Always have problems going home. Cuz once u sit on that couch, or worse, lie down on that sofa... It's hard for u to get up and go. The longest that I slept there for.. was three days.. three fuckin' days.. I mean.. it's like, From afternoon day one.. over night... to day two.. overnight...and then day three morning.. only then, I would lift my butt up to head home. Seriously, for those who doesn't know what Bella Luna is.. Well, Bella Luna is a studio located at Katong Mall B02-02... Katong Mall is along Upper East Coast Road... And seriously, that place is so comfy, that it's definitely a home away from home for the Bella Luna Crew and Family... Fhasha grew attached to Bella.. hehehe.. She loves that place so much that she keeps comin' back and that's a good thing isn't it? Hehehe.. Love that girl, simply adorable... BELLA LUNA!! I LOIKE!!! Hehehe.. I love bella, it's my second home... It is SO... my home!
.:: Goodbye F&B ::.
Hmm.. Food & Beverage? Yeah, some of u may ask, what's up with Food & Beverage? Well, it's definitely not my stuff.. Just not my thang ya'all.. It's a super headache to work at such places. U have to remember recipes, the procedures, the proper split and stuff... madness! So I conclude that I won't be workin' in Coffee Bean anymore... I know that in my previous entry, it said that without work I'd have no fun and stuff right? Well u know what, I'm quittin' Coffee Bean and I'm shifting to other places... Example, Times Bookstore.. I'm gonna try to work there, that is, if they want to.. Hehehe..
There's like major pros and cons to everything. If ur in the F&B industry.. Example, Coffee Bean, there's food, always food... No cash to buy food? Never fear, if ur a barista in Coffee Bean, we'll provide u with food (More like, experimenting with ur own food) and there's food and u can always drink.. But if ur in Times, it's like.. U only have to watch over books... that's it...
Okay, u know what? Seriously I need to take a nap.. I"m like super sleepy now.. madness I tel ya... hehehe... well then.. till then.. love ya'all!
[ Time Ends : 5:56am ]
Radwimps - Me Me She
Friday, October 06, 2006
[ MOOD :-: Lost / Confused / Frustrated / Hungry ]
[ TIME START : 6:00am ]
.:: Sahur Has Ended ::.
Well, as u can see, it's like 6 in the mornin', meanin' that sahur ended like a few minutes ago. It's been like almost a week since the fasting month had begun. Here I am, once again, typin' out my blog... Hmm, well, guess what? There's like nothin' much to write about these days.. Here I am, sittin' in this stupid room typin' out my blog. I'm so sick of my home. Many of u, I mean... those of u who knew me long... and I'm talkin' about..waaaaay back, since the time we are still lame kids in the scene and such.. hehe.. U know how my house is... it's a place where... and I repeat... where no one wanna live at... Seriously, the conditions here is waaaay worse that a war torn country... Lookin' at boxes here and there, and ridiculous items that is not needed, but still around... Somehow, I come to conclude that my mom has some kind of sickness... I think it's called..."Hoarding"... or something like that.. it's whereby, u keep things that u THINK is needed but true fact that it's not.. in fact it's uneccesary (did I spell that right? or is it spelled with a double S?) Uneccessary? Hmm, whatever it is... Yeah, I think my mom's suffering from that sickness..and it's sad...truly sad.. It's a sickness which many would think, is not really serious, but trust me, from my point of view, oh wait...from my family's point of view...hell yeah it is.. it's damn serious... *sigh* That's why I'm either at my GF's place...or at Bella Luna... most of the time... Just don't wanna be home... drivin' everyone nuts...
.:: Poor Hallie Must Be Tired ::.

Tried to call my dearest just now, to wake her up to "sahur" but I'm guessing that she's dead tired...Had a very long day at work I guess.... Loads of passengers... and there was some Japanese passengers who can't speak any English...I mean, talkin' about miscommunication.... this is bad... It's like... a pity in one way..yet it's kind of irritating on the other... I mean, they don't understand English, that's fine but pretend to understand it.. that's bad... Hehehe.. Poor Hallie, had to put up with such stuff at work.. hehe.. Well, baby, if ur reading this... just relax ok? hehe.. Love u baby! Muacks!! Well, just to let u know, if ur reading this (hmm, how many times have I said, "If ur reading this"? Wow! TWICE!) I'm still up after sahur and it's like...bored to the max... Brother's sleepin' outside.. my mom's awake..doin' god knows what..and my dad had taken the other room (and the other room is where I sleep), so right now, I'm like... bedless... I have no where to sleep again.. so here I am, blogging away honey... *sigh*
.:: A New Wonderful Someone ::.

About a month ago or was it two months ago... I met this wonderful person.. She's awesome, besides my girlfriend of course.. but the thing is, she's totally awesome and I like her... LOIKE her.. hehehe... Well, if u noticed to the left, there's my tag board right? And there's this name... Fhasha... Well, that's her... She's a special girl I tell u... Why can't u guys out there see that? I mean, for those guys who have hurt her.. why can't they see that.. well I tell u guys one thing...they're stupid! For the past two months of gettin to know her.. well, I say that she's special..because.. first of all, she listens to my kind of stuff..u know, hardcore, metalcore and all that... and she do musical at the same time.. I mean, whoa! Where can u get that? A musical chic who's into that kind of heavy shit? Hehehe.. that's one of the cool thing... And she dresses casually... no trend following whatsoever.. She's being herself.. and that's the other thing, why she's cool... And her character, simply sweet and amazing.. adorably sweet that is... And her smile... oh yeah, one more thing guys... she has nice eyes! Double eyelids! It's kinda rare to see people with double eyelids... and most real, love her eyes... big and sparkly.. hehehe... u know..anime kinda eyes! Well, for u guys out there who's kind hearted, sincere and single right now.. if ur lookin' for a companion.. Fhasha would be one of ur choice... (I'm referring to those guys who's really, literally kind hearted and sincere and not to those who just wanna break girls' heart, cuz whoever hurts my Fhasha, they're dead! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH*COUGH*COUGH*..ehem...haha...bluergh! haha...god damn cough!) Well dear, luv ya aight? Do take care and see ya at Bella again! Cheers!
.:: A New Beginning ::.

Bella Luna... It's a name where many is beginning to know of...A studio that started about a few months back and now a home to many... members formed up alongside Bella... and it's cool to see Bella's doing a good job... And Bella Luna's name on the rise. Kudos to Yan, B and the rest of the Bella crew... Bella's expanding guys so be on the look out for this amazing and lovable studio with the lovable and insaned bunch of guys in the Bella Family...
.:: No Direction Update ::.

Hmm, let's see here... updates..updates..oh okay..yeah...The recording now is roughly at the 65% mark...I think...The drums are done...bass is done...and the guitars are almost done... I'm roughly guessing that we'll take about 3 or 4 more sessions (hopefully we can get everything done by that time, cause seriously, I'm kinda tired of going up and down KL and so are the rest of the boys, I mean, it's a fun experience going up there but somehow, the financial issue is kinda...tight for us...especially me...) What I heard that on the last session, we gonna go up to the studio with a whole bunch of us from Bella... hehe, to do the sing along vocals on one of the tracks we recorded.. hehe.. Vocal recording, will always be fun! Hehe.. can't wait for that moment...
Currently, No Direction's not having any local play gigs... but we do have one overseas gig coming up in November... November 25th, we're playin' in Ipoh... We're playing alongside FC 5 (For ur info, FC 5 is a Japanese hardcore band who's under Roadrunner record and had toured with big bands before and somehow we're honoured to be able to play with them...)... And before that, FC 5's coming down to Singapore on November 18th to perform. Details will be updated as soon as I check it out...
Other than that, No Direction is like any other dudes, work, school and hangin' around...and such...nothing big...heheh...
.:: School Reopen ::.
After like, weeks of holiday, we're finally comin' back to class. This October 16th is the day where we're back to the same ol' routine again... Ngastness, madness, badongness to the maximus! Hehehe... But I hope that this module would be a much more..and I'm really hoping..a much much more interesting one! Hehehe.. But anyways, that's about it, just to let u guys know, school's starting again! Hehe...
.:: Hello Sir! Welcome To Coffee Bean ::.
It's been like almost a month or two months since I've last started work... Oh yeah, I started workin' on my birthday, which is... August 10th... so u guys do the math. Learnt a few stuff there, and gettin' to know the routine.. and knowing what to do and such, except that sometimes, I tend to forget stuff.. And well, just learnt just now at work that I gotta go to the stupid orientation classes...I mentioned this before in my previous entry right? About Coffee Bean having classes, bla bla bla bla... u know.. well, here it is.. HELLO CLASSES! Geez, since when Coffee Bean started having these stupid classes.. oh yeah, since like a few years back... It's kinda stupid, I mean, u can learn all this stupid shit at work right? I mean, Learn-As-You-Work kinda thing..but nooooouuuhhh.. They have to send us to classes... Oh, like as if one school's not enough.. Now it's like juggling... School, The other stupid school and work... Oh yeah, right, I have all the time in the world.. oh wait, I forgot to mention.. My girlfriend, my band, the studio...and family...WOW! Yeap, that's right! ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME IN THE FRIGGIN' WORLD! hahahaha... Well, I'll try... I have to work guys... well, here's the equation...
No Work = No Wage
No Wage = No Cash
No Cash = No Fun, No Freedom, No Cigarettes, No to whatever that needs money to buy
Therefore, the conclusion of this equation,
No Work + No Wage + No Cash = No Fun At All
So there u have it folks, my lame theory on....why work is important..especially at this stage...
But so far, workin' in Coffee Bean is awesome, especially meeting the different kinda people each day... The weird ones, the cool ones, the ridiculous ones, the regular ones and the friendly ones... and so on and so forth...
There's this one dude.. a regular customer... who orders nothing else but Snapple Grapeade... Without fail, everyday... Each time we saw him walking in, we don't even need to ask him what he's simple..Snapple Grapeade.. hahah... We even give him a nickname..."The Snapple Guy"... There's also this weird accent guy who comes in, order himself a latte or sometimes an ice blended drink... and just sit down there, reading up his newspaper and book... and he can sit there from 8 plus till we close... Well, apart from these people... There also those irritating students... U know, JC, Secondary.. and what not..simply said...those in Uniforms... I feel somehow, that Coffee Bean should have this "No Students In Uniform Allowed" stated at the entrance... It's super irritating... I mean, it's not like they're a big bother.. All they do is, get a drink.. and they'll just sit there studyin' their homework and what not till the end of the day... But the most irritating thing is that, they'll leave their eraser dust everywhere... And it's irritating...
Well, the overall thing is that... Work's just fine... except one thing... The pay's kind small for a big time company... Hmm...
.:: End Of Entry ::.
Like what it says there...END OF ENTRY... Hmm, till the next time I'll write in (Which is god knows when)... I hope u guys enjoyed reading this one... And one more thing to my dearest baby, Hallie... Can't wait for next year... Love u lots honey.. Love u always.. Muacks!
Well, that's it for now... Cheers to ya! Hope that u'll guys come back again to read up...
[ TIME END : 7:01am ]
[ TIME START : 6:00am ]
.:: Sahur Has Ended ::.
Well, as u can see, it's like 6 in the mornin', meanin' that sahur ended like a few minutes ago. It's been like almost a week since the fasting month had begun. Here I am, once again, typin' out my blog... Hmm, well, guess what? There's like nothin' much to write about these days.. Here I am, sittin' in this stupid room typin' out my blog. I'm so sick of my home. Many of u, I mean... those of u who knew me long... and I'm talkin' about..waaaaay back, since the time we are still lame kids in the scene and such.. hehe.. U know how my house is... it's a place where... and I repeat... where no one wanna live at... Seriously, the conditions here is waaaay worse that a war torn country... Lookin' at boxes here and there, and ridiculous items that is not needed, but still around... Somehow, I come to conclude that my mom has some kind of sickness... I think it's called..."Hoarding"... or something like that.. it's whereby, u keep things that u THINK is needed but true fact that it's not.. in fact it's uneccesary (did I spell that right? or is it spelled with a double S?) Uneccessary? Hmm, whatever it is... Yeah, I think my mom's suffering from that sickness..and it's sad...truly sad.. It's a sickness which many would think, is not really serious, but trust me, from my point of view, oh wait...from my family's point of view...hell yeah it is.. it's damn serious... *sigh* That's why I'm either at my GF's place...or at Bella Luna... most of the time... Just don't wanna be home... drivin' everyone nuts...
.:: Poor Hallie Must Be Tired ::.
Tried to call my dearest just now, to wake her up to "sahur" but I'm guessing that she's dead tired...Had a very long day at work I guess.... Loads of passengers... and there was some Japanese passengers who can't speak any English...I mean, talkin' about miscommunication.... this is bad... It's like... a pity in one way..yet it's kind of irritating on the other... I mean, they don't understand English, that's fine but pretend to understand it.. that's bad... Hehehe.. Poor Hallie, had to put up with such stuff at work.. hehe.. Well, baby, if ur reading this... just relax ok? hehe.. Love u baby! Muacks!! Well, just to let u know, if ur reading this (hmm, how many times have I said, "If ur reading this"? Wow! TWICE!) I'm still up after sahur and it's like...bored to the max... Brother's sleepin' outside.. my mom's awake..doin' god knows what..and my dad had taken the other room (and the other room is where I sleep), so right now, I'm like... bedless... I have no where to sleep again.. so here I am, blogging away honey... *sigh*
.:: A New Wonderful Someone ::.
About a month ago or was it two months ago... I met this wonderful person.. She's awesome, besides my girlfriend of course.. but the thing is, she's totally awesome and I like her... LOIKE her.. hehehe... Well, if u noticed to the left, there's my tag board right? And there's this name... Fhasha... Well, that's her... She's a special girl I tell u... Why can't u guys out there see that? I mean, for those guys who have hurt her.. why can't they see that.. well I tell u guys one thing...they're stupid! For the past two months of gettin to know her.. well, I say that she's special..because.. first of all, she listens to my kind of stuff..u know, hardcore, metalcore and all that... and she do musical at the same time.. I mean, whoa! Where can u get that? A musical chic who's into that kind of heavy shit? Hehehe.. that's one of the cool thing... And she dresses casually... no trend following whatsoever.. She's being herself.. and that's the other thing, why she's cool... And her character, simply sweet and amazing.. adorably sweet that is... And her smile... oh yeah, one more thing guys... she has nice eyes! Double eyelids! It's kinda rare to see people with double eyelids... and most real, love her eyes... big and sparkly.. hehehe... u know..anime kinda eyes! Well, for u guys out there who's kind hearted, sincere and single right now.. if ur lookin' for a companion.. Fhasha would be one of ur choice... (I'm referring to those guys who's really, literally kind hearted and sincere and not to those who just wanna break girls' heart, cuz whoever hurts my Fhasha, they're dead! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH*COUGH*COUGH*..ehem...haha...bluergh! haha...god damn cough!) Well dear, luv ya aight? Do take care and see ya at Bella again! Cheers!
.:: A New Beginning ::.
Bella Luna... It's a name where many is beginning to know of...A studio that started about a few months back and now a home to many... members formed up alongside Bella... and it's cool to see Bella's doing a good job... And Bella Luna's name on the rise. Kudos to Yan, B and the rest of the Bella crew... Bella's expanding guys so be on the look out for this amazing and lovable studio with the lovable and insaned bunch of guys in the Bella Family...
.:: No Direction Update ::.
Hmm, let's see here... updates..updates..oh okay..yeah...The recording now is roughly at the 65% mark...I think...The drums are done...bass is done...and the guitars are almost done... I'm roughly guessing that we'll take about 3 or 4 more sessions (hopefully we can get everything done by that time, cause seriously, I'm kinda tired of going up and down KL and so are the rest of the boys, I mean, it's a fun experience going up there but somehow, the financial issue is kinda...tight for us...especially me...) What I heard that on the last session, we gonna go up to the studio with a whole bunch of us from Bella... hehe, to do the sing along vocals on one of the tracks we recorded.. hehe.. Vocal recording, will always be fun! Hehe.. can't wait for that moment...
Currently, No Direction's not having any local play gigs... but we do have one overseas gig coming up in November... November 25th, we're playin' in Ipoh... We're playing alongside FC 5 (For ur info, FC 5 is a Japanese hardcore band who's under Roadrunner record and had toured with big bands before and somehow we're honoured to be able to play with them...)... And before that, FC 5's coming down to Singapore on November 18th to perform. Details will be updated as soon as I check it out...
Other than that, No Direction is like any other dudes, work, school and hangin' around...and such...nothing big...heheh...
.:: School Reopen ::.
After like, weeks of holiday, we're finally comin' back to class. This October 16th is the day where we're back to the same ol' routine again... Ngastness, madness, badongness to the maximus! Hehehe... But I hope that this module would be a much more..and I'm really hoping..a much much more interesting one! Hehehe.. But anyways, that's about it, just to let u guys know, school's starting again! Hehe...
.:: Hello Sir! Welcome To Coffee Bean ::.
It's been like almost a month or two months since I've last started work... Oh yeah, I started workin' on my birthday, which is... August 10th... so u guys do the math. Learnt a few stuff there, and gettin' to know the routine.. and knowing what to do and such, except that sometimes, I tend to forget stuff.. And well, just learnt just now at work that I gotta go to the stupid orientation classes...I mentioned this before in my previous entry right? About Coffee Bean having classes, bla bla bla bla... u know.. well, here it is.. HELLO CLASSES! Geez, since when Coffee Bean started having these stupid classes.. oh yeah, since like a few years back... It's kinda stupid, I mean, u can learn all this stupid shit at work right? I mean, Learn-As-You-Work kinda thing..but nooooouuuhhh.. They have to send us to classes... Oh, like as if one school's not enough.. Now it's like juggling... School, The other stupid school and work... Oh yeah, right, I have all the time in the world.. oh wait, I forgot to mention.. My girlfriend, my band, the studio...and family...WOW! Yeap, that's right! ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME IN THE FRIGGIN' WORLD! hahahaha... Well, I'll try... I have to work guys... well, here's the equation...
No Work = No Wage
No Wage = No Cash
No Cash = No Fun, No Freedom, No Cigarettes, No to whatever that needs money to buy
Therefore, the conclusion of this equation,
No Work + No Wage + No Cash = No Fun At All
So there u have it folks, my lame theory on....why work is important..especially at this stage...
But so far, workin' in Coffee Bean is awesome, especially meeting the different kinda people each day... The weird ones, the cool ones, the ridiculous ones, the regular ones and the friendly ones... and so on and so forth...
There's this one dude.. a regular customer... who orders nothing else but Snapple Grapeade... Without fail, everyday... Each time we saw him walking in, we don't even need to ask him what he's simple..Snapple Grapeade.. hahah... We even give him a nickname..."The Snapple Guy"... There's also this weird accent guy who comes in, order himself a latte or sometimes an ice blended drink... and just sit down there, reading up his newspaper and book... and he can sit there from 8 plus till we close... Well, apart from these people... There also those irritating students... U know, JC, Secondary.. and what not..simply said...those in Uniforms... I feel somehow, that Coffee Bean should have this "No Students In Uniform Allowed" stated at the entrance... It's super irritating... I mean, it's not like they're a big bother.. All they do is, get a drink.. and they'll just sit there studyin' their homework and what not till the end of the day... But the most irritating thing is that, they'll leave their eraser dust everywhere... And it's irritating...
Well, the overall thing is that... Work's just fine... except one thing... The pay's kind small for a big time company... Hmm...
.:: End Of Entry ::.
Like what it says there...END OF ENTRY... Hmm, till the next time I'll write in (Which is god knows when)... I hope u guys enjoyed reading this one... And one more thing to my dearest baby, Hallie... Can't wait for next year... Love u lots honey.. Love u always.. Muacks!
Well, that's it for now... Cheers to ya! Hope that u'll guys come back again to read up...
[ TIME END : 7:01am ]
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